Feature req: config option to disable pretty output
[issue link]I’d like to be able to supress and/or have control over formatting of this output. It is very unfriendly in a sense that it clears screen and is not friendly with other loggers when running in SSR mode via another server.
nuxt:build Building... +0ms
nuxt:build App root: .../resources +0ms
nuxt:build Generating .../.nuxt files... +0ms
nuxt:build Generating files... +38ms
nuxt:build Generating routes... +14ms
nuxt:build Building files... +24ms
████████████████████ 100%
Build completed in 16.844s
WARNING Compiled with 1 warnings 3:15:53 p.m.
asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (300 kB).
This can impact web performance.
vendor.447480b3225e78edb007.js (598 kB)
nuxt:build Building done +20s